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Form B: Mentor/Mentee Log          Form C: Second Year Teacher Mentor/Mentee Meetings Log

Second Year Teacher: A teacher with one year of teaching experience.


  1. You should meet with your mentor once per week August through September and once per month October through May.
  2. Attend monthly Teacher Development Programs, complete reflection, and turn in to mentor.
  3. Observe mentor two times throughout the school year:
    1. First observation by September 16.
    2. Second observation by October 14.

Second Year Teacher Mentor: An experienced teacher dedicated to promoting excellence in the teaching profession. Mentors must play several roles including guide, role model, sponsor, counselor, coach, resource, and colleague.


  1. You should meet with your mentee once per week August through September and once per month October through May.
  2. Be a role model in all aspects of professionalism.
  3. Support and counsel your mentee, providing perspective when needed.
  4. Attend monthly Teacher Development Programs, review reflection paper of mentee and turn in to mentor chair and principal.
  5. Keep a Mentor/Mentee Log. The Mentor/Mentee Log must be turned in to the Mentor Coordinator by May 1. (See Form C)
  6. Arrange for:
    1. Mentee observations of Mentor:
      1. First observation by September 16.
      2. Second observation by October 14.
    2. Mentor observations of Mentee:
      1. First observation between November 1 and November 11.
      2. Second observation between January 9 and January 20.

Stipend: A stipend of $300.00 is to be paid in June to the Mentor upon completion of responsibilities.