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School-Wide Positive Behavior Support at New Bloomfield Elementary


It's the Wildcat Way

Dear Families,

The students and staff at New Bloomfield Elementary are learning how to use Wildcat Way behavior to focus on learning. Please read the Wildcat Way Behavior Expectations with your child. Your support and reminders will help your child be a Super Wildcat at New Bloomfield.

Thank you,

PBS Team

What Does School-Wide PBS (Positive Behavior Support) mean?

Our goal is to help each child develop self-discipline. Together the home and school share the responsibility for developing good citizens. Parents, teachers, and students must work together to maintain a safe learning environment. The PBS (Positive Behavior Support) program is based upon our philosophy of recognizing positive contributions of students.

PBS means that teachers, administrators, counselors, and support staff are going to take responsibility to TEACH positive behavior expectations to students.

PBS means that students will know exactly what is expected of them. Students who take responsibility to behave positively will be recognized and rewarded in a variety of ways. Students will also know exactly what consequences will result when they choose NOT to meet the school-wide expectations (“all of us will be on the same page”).

School-Wide PBS at New Bloomfield Elementary

Purpose: To create consistency by using positive interaction within a learning environment to promote success.

Definition: School-wide PBS at New Bloomfield Elementary is defined as the use of positive proactive strategies with children to make their school environment consistent and conducive to learning.

Student Rewards for Appropriate Behavior

1. Wildcat Way Cash

Wildcat Way cash tickets are a positive behavior reinforcement indicator that is given to students by any staff member at New Bloomfield Elementary. All staff members will recognize students who are being safe, kind, respectful and responsible with a Wildcat Way cash card.

2. Quarterly Drawing

Larger awards will be randomly presented to individual students that earned a Wildcat Way ticket to the quarterly assembly. The students will receive their prize before they leave school the day of the drawing.

Student Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior

1. Warning

A verbal notice will be given to students indicating a violation of school expectations and/or responsibilities has occurred. Students will be given the opportunity to correct the behavior before further action is taken.

2. Minor Behavior Incident

An individual conference between a student and staff member will be held to make the student aware of his/her poor judgment regarding a particular incident. This will provide the opportunity for discussing possible alternatives available for the student to correct the problem.

3. Referral to Principal

Major Infractions and Persistent Minor Infractions will result in a referral to the principal. Major Infractions are behaviors which affect the safety of students and others. The principal will investigate the incidents and determine appropriate action to resolve the issue.

New Bloomfield Elementary School Expectations Matrix

Show Me the Way - At Home!

PBS can easily be adapted for use at home. Children thrive in a setting where an adult is in charge and expectations are clear and consistent.

To use the Wildcat Way at home, you can adapt the expectations we use at school:

  • Be Safe in your environment.
  • Be Respectful of yourself, friends, and family.
  • Be Responsible in your environment.

Teach Your Expectations:

  • Model Them.
  • Practice Them.
  • Review Them Often.

After your expectations have been taught, use simple, straightforward language to acknowledge appropriate behavior and when inappropriate behavior is seen--model, practice, and review your expectations.

At school, we use the term "Show Me The Way" to remind students to be safe, respectful, and responsible. You can use this term at home as well to remind your child of your expectations.

For more information about our School-Wide PBS plan, contact any New Bloomfield Elementary staff member.